Svelte ActionAllows you to quickly copy data to the clipboard.
This div is set to 'contenteditable'. Make changes then tap copy.
Getting Started
If your data is available in a basic type (string, integer, etc), you can provide it directly to the action.
const exampleData: string = 'Your data here.';
<button use:clipboard={exampleData}>Copy</button>
Copying HTML Contents
To copy the innerHTML for an HTML element, we'll need to set a data-clipboard
data attribute on your target,
then provide element: 'exampleElement'
to the action.
<!-- Source -->
<div data-clipboard="exampleElement">(contents)</div>
<!-- Trigger -->
<button use:clipboard={{ element: 'exampleElement' }}>Copy</button>
Copying Input Values
To copy the value of a form input, we'll need to set a data-clipboard
data attribute on your target, then
provide input: 'dataClipboardId'
to the action.
<!-- Source -->
<input type="text" value="(contents)" data-clipboard="exampleInput"></input>
<!-- Trigger -->
<button use:clipboard={{ input: 'exampleInput' }}>Copy</button>